3D Structure Prediction of Alpha-1,4 Fucosyltransferase

Chi-Jen Wang and Ching-Ching Yu

Department of Mathematics and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

National Chung Cheng University


    Fucosyltransferase (FucT) is an enzyme that transfers fucose sugar to a sugar or protein. We are interested in one FucT from Helicobacter pylori which lives in gastric and duodenal. The function and structure of `\alpha`-1,3 FucT NCTC11639 has been reported a decade ago, the dual functionality of `\alpha`-1,3/4 FucT UA948 has been reported in 2017, however the structure of `\alpha`-1,4 FucT has not. The prior experiment shows that `\alpha`-1,4 FucT DSM6709 also have `\alpha`-1,3 linkage from. Further, its gene sequence also indicates this enzyme might have the same function as UA948. Our goal is to predict the structures of DSM6709, and compare these structures to other FucTs to verify the possibility of the dual functionalities of `\alpha`-1,4 FucT DSM6709.

Keyword: `\alpha`-1,4 Fucosyltransferase, diverse linkages, structure prediction.